When I first started toying with the idea of officially starting a jewelry company, I thought it would be a good idea to buy a Dremel Engraver to engrave keys. WHAT WAS I THINKING. Amateur. I had zero experience but knew this voice (which I have named my “Chrissy Radar”) wouldn’t let me stop thinking about it until I figured it out. It was a disaster. Thank goodness I eventually discovered metal stamps at Hobby Lobby. I bought my first Stone Age style set of metal letters and stamped my little cave woman heart out.

By the time February 2015 came around, I found out my favorite actor was having a book signing (he’s multitalented. ;)) at the Grove and “Chrissy Radar” was going off tenfold. I knew I had to bring him a key necklace. I didn’t have a choice. So I picked out the coolest, rustiest key I had at the time- grabbed my metal stamps, hammer, metal block, and rubber coaster and carried them all into the bathroom. Yes, the bathroom. The bathroom had the most stable surface and best lighting in my apartment by far. Guys, I was a mess. I was shaking and was terrified of screwing this piece up. I felt the weight of the world on my shoulders. HA! I stamped, “fear,” horizontally and, “less,” vertically. I poured my heart and soul into this necklace and it didn’t suck! I was gobsmacked and had the biggest adrenaline rush. I typed up a few paragraphs explaining what the heck this necklace was intended to represent and passed it to him when he was signing my book. WHAT A CREEP I AM.

I’m sure my husband was thinking I was a psychopath because, honestly, who does this. “Here, favorite actor, I’ve never met you but here’s a necklace I made (because I’m the biggest nerd) and short letter AKA a window to my SOUL.” I mean, he’s not entirely wrong, because what sane person would think to do this. But after my dad died I was determined to let the people who have made a positive and profound impact on my life (people I already knew and strangers, alike) know what they mean to me. No matter how potentially awkward it was. Ha!

It didn’t turn out too badly though. Favorite Actor and I had a mutual friend (come on, it’s LA) and I received an e-mail from her a few days later saying he really liked the necklace and that he was going to wear it. SHUT UP. WHAT. Shut. Up. This was probably the most wonderful and exciting e-mail that I had ever received in my entire life. I read that at like 6AM and needless to say didn’t sleep for days after that.

But wait! It gets better! A year later he ended up buying a bunch of necklaces from me. I thought I died. You guys, MANIFEST. Believe in your silliest and most out there dreams and just go for it and listen to the little voices in your head saying this is all going to work out because it might work out better than you ever could have imagined and you will not regret what might have been a brief moment of awkwardness for even a second. Guys, it’s worth it. I cannot tell you how worth it it is. It might take a year but you can’t get there unless you trust yourself and hustle. End rant. PS YOU’VE GOT THIS. ❤