My name is Chrissy and I am a firm believer in manifesting. If you’d like to know a bit more about me I am from Chicago but now live in Los Angeles with my husband, our cats and our puppy. We moved to LA just over four years ago so that my very creative and wonderful husband, Mike, could pursue his dream of being involved with film making and I could pursue a career in voiceover (specifically animation). He has since refocused his endeavors to completing his first sci-fi thriller novel and develop board/card games and in addition to voiceover, I’ve started my own jewelry company called “Feathers and Brass.”

I believe that positive thinking goes a long way in accomplishing my goals and reaching my dreams. I have this bizarre notion that I can achieve anything if I just set my mind to it. No dream is too great. When I tell my mom some of the things I’d like to do she’s begun to just say, “okay, I’ll time you.”

On January 17th, 2014 my lovely friend, Sarah, from Chicago came to stay with us and as a thank you she gifted me with a beautiful old key that she had purchased from an antique store. I was so touched by the thoughtfulness of her gift that I went home and put it on a chain with my tiny harmonica and a small Eppy clock my mom gave me (my favorite necklace at the time). Two months later, March 10th (my oldest nephew’s birthday), I received a call that I will never forget. The day started as a normal one. I went to work and, as always, called my dad on the way home to chat about our days. Let’s be real- aside from my husband, my dad was my best friend. I spoke with my parents the whole drive home and even when I got back to my apartment where my husband was cooking us dinner. I chatted with my folks a bit longer and then we said our goodbyes. Mike and I started to eat dinner and forty-five minutes later I received a call from my older brother saying he was on the way to the hospital because my dad had just had a heart attack. He then called me back a bit later to say that my dad had passed away. Worst day of my life. I don’t know who took the news worse, me or my husband.

Over the next couple of months, while trying to process what life without my dad was going to be like, I decided I needed to do something to make a difference. I was grief-stricken and not doing very well emotionally. I knew I needed to do something with my days to make people feel good about themselves. I also knew I couldn’t prevent death or this kind of pain for others but there certainly had to be something I could do even to make a small difference. I thought back to the key I was still wearing around my neck and started seeing people engraving pieces of jewelry on Etsy and something just clicked. I wanted to incorporate the key that had made me feel so appreciated, my passion for manifesting while also inspiring people to lift themselves up to be the best possible version of themselves. Not only did I need a personal reminder but I thought maybe there were others out there like me who could benefit as well. I started experimenting and gifted key necklaces to my friends, family and co-workers as small tokens of appreciation.

I later transitioned to skeleton keys because of what they represented to me and wrote this up for my website, “Keys are crafted to provide you with access to what’s beyond locked doors. Skeleton keys are intended to open many different locks. Since I am such a huge proponent of manifesting- Feathers and Brass’ key jewelry is a symbol of what you’d like to attract or invite into your life- a literal key to unlock your metaphorical endeavors. They are wearable reminders that you have what it takes to unlock your potential.”

This jewelry has given me a purpose when I was floundering in grief. They are hugely meaningful to me and every time I receive a message from a stranger telling me how important their necklace is to them and what it represents- I know I’ve found my purpose. I’d love to make a bigger difference and help more but, you know, baby steps. As my mom says, “okay, I’ll time you.” I can’t wait to see what 2017 brings. ❤